ARE YOU OK? - What Can Young Trans Voices Teach Us About Justice?
Photographer and author Jesse Freidin’s current series entitled ‘Are You OK?' documents trans youth and their supportive families living in states facing dangerous anti-trans legislation. With portraits from more than half the states in America, this vast collection of personal accounts goes far beyond the simplicity of a traditional lecture on pronouns and identity. Through on screen images, audio interviews and moving personal narratives Jesse will spark a thoughtful and emotional dialogue about trans rights, who is most at risk, and how your community can become more welcoming and effective allies. This presentation uses storytelling to uncover themes of strength, joy and survival and encourages the audience to reflect on their own commitment to social justice. Included will be a brief overview of current anti-trans legislation and guidance on how to be an active ally, as well as time for Q + A.
The Speaker
Jesse Freidin is an award-winning queer/trans identified photographer and author. For 15 years he was America’s leading fine art dog photographer, and now focuses his attention on elevating the experience of the trans/TGNC community through portraiture and interviews. His current series entitled “Are You OK?” addresses the dangers of the current wave of anti-trans legislation sweeping the country in a passionate attempt to erase stigma and uncover the voices of those most affected. Jesse’s work is in over 150 private collections nationwide, and has been featured in The New York Times, Insider, Vogue, The Huffington Post, NPR and many more. He is the author of two books: Finding Shelter: Portraits of Love, Healing and Survival (Lyons Press, 2017) and When Dogs Heal: Powerful Stories of People Living with HIV and the Dogs That Saved Them (Lerner Books, 2021).